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The Lord of the Rings,
Compiled by Alice Valantine Beckstrom ©2011

Go to Tolkien Pronunciation Guide for help in speaking the languages of Middle-earth:
 Quenya, Sindarin, Adûnaic, Khuzdûl, Rohirric and Black Speech

THE ABYSS – Khuzdûl
Katabrikihu tanakhi uduhu bin-nât aznân tarsisi     Can breach it, Comes from it, Only an endless darkness rises. 
Bazar udu agânî-furkhîn         Deep from the beginnings of the world.
Ma satf unkhai! At[kât] Za[tag]ra[fi]zu     Nor step too close, The silence will take you.

Irkat-lukhud ka[tabrikihu ul]fat atam ma ta[nakhi]    No shaft of light can breach it. No breath of air comes from it.
[Za]tab[lu]gi sulluzu irkat [lu]khud ka[tab]ri[ki]hu Ulfat-ata ma  It will swallow you whole. No shaft of light. No breath of air.
Tanakhi uduhu bin-nât az[nân] tarsi[si] [Ba]zar [u]du       Comes from it only an endless dark rises.
agânî-furkhîn Gurd! Ma satf unkhai! Atkât za[tagrafizu]    Beginnings of the world.  Nor step too close. The silence will take you.
[Za]tagrafizu Zatablugi sulluzu Irkat-[lu]khud ma     will take you, will swallow you whole. No shaft of light
Katabrikihu Ul[fat]-atam ma tanakhi uduhu      can breach it. No breath of air comes from it.
bin-nât aznân tar[sisi]            Only an endless dark rises.

[ta]nakhi uduhu bin-nât aznân tarsi[si] Bazar   Comes from it only an endless dark rises.
agânî-fur[khîn] ma Gurd! Ma           Beginnings of the world.  

[Tar]sisi Bazar udu agânî-furkhîn Gurd!    An endless dark rises. Beginnings of the world.  

Ma nîd sakhu! Ma satf unkhai! Atkât zatagrafizu     Do not look down! Nor step too close! The silence will take you
Zatablugi sulluzu Irkat-lu[khud] ma [ka]tabrikihu      Will swallow you whole. No shaft of light can breach it.
Ulfat-atam ma tanakhi u[duhu] Ma satf unkhai!       No breath of air comes from it. Nor step too close! 
Atkât  [za]tag[ra]fizu Zata[b]lugi sulluzu Zata[blugi] sulluzu     The silence will take you. It will swallow you whole.

Mettanna.  Nárendur  An mauya mahtie Mettana.   To the end.  Servant of fire.  For you must fight. To the end.

[No ring cam a hûn ah asg     Cold be hand and heart and bone
[A no ring randir chaer o mbarAnd cold be travelers far from home
[Ú-genir i] lû i caeda na nîf            [They do not see] what lies ahead
[Ta] i pellen anor [a firnen ithil.       When sun has failed and moon is dead.
[Vi gwae’ vorn elin firithar       In the black wind the stars shall die,
[Bo cae lanc hen sí caedatharOn this bare earth here let them lie
[Tenn i vorchir gam în ortha    'Til the dark lord lifts his hand
[Or aerath firnin a dôr tharn.   Over dead seas and withered land.]

THE MISSING - Rohirric
[Héo naefre wacode dægréd      She never watched the morning rising,
[Tó bisig mid dægeweorcum     Too busy with the day's first chores,
[Ac oft héo wacode sunnanwanung     But oft she would watch the sun's fading,
[Thonne nihtciele créap geond móras As the cold of night crept across the moors.]
And on thaere hwile         And in that moment
Héo[dréag] thá losinga    She felt the loss
Earla thinga the héo forléas.            Of everything that had been missed.
[Héo swá oft dréag hire sáwle sincendeSo used to feeling the spirit sink,
[Héo ne cúthe hire heortan lust. She had not felt her own heart's wish.]

NAMÁMIË - Quenya
[Ró]mello vanwa, [Va]limar!     Lost to those of the East is Valimar!
Namárië!         Farewell!
Nai [elyë] hiru[va]!   Maybe even thou shalt find it!
[Ró]mello van[wa], [Va]limar!   Lost to those of the East is Valimar!
Nai elyë [hiruva!]     Maybe even thou shalt find it!

Ngyrth sí  The dead

Ngyrth sí ú-los[tar]  The dead do not sleep here.

[I] ngyrth sí ú-lostar  The dead do not sleep here
Ú-chiriar îdh     They have found no rest
Hiriar harch ring a nîd       Only a cold, dank grave
Tano i óner      To mark what they gave,
Io na ndagor veleg  To a great battle – long ago;
Na dûr ben-galu, na naeth arvethed         To a fruitless victory – to endless woe.
Mín galad a chuil ban.     One light for each life.
Mín sarch a ngurth ban.         One grave for every death.

Nêbâbî[tham 'ur] We cling to darkness
[Nêbâbî]tham Magânanê     We renounce our Maker
Nêtabdam dâur ad      We cling to darkness
Nêpâm nêd abârat aglar, [Nên]âkham  We grasp power, glory; The Nine

THE CALL – Rohirric
Hwær cwóm helm? Hwær cwóm byrne?     Where is the helm? Where is the hauberk? 
Hwær cwóm feax flówende?       Where is the bright hair flowing? 
Hwær cwóm hand on hearpestrenge?          Where is the hand on the harp string?
Hwær cwóm scir fýr scinende?     Where is the red fire glowing?
[Hwær cwóm lencten and hærfest? Hwær cwóm héah corn weaxende?     Where is the spring and the harvest? Where is the tall corn growing?
[Hwá gegaderath wuduréc of wealdholte byrnende?    Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning?
[Oththe gesiehth of gársecge thá géar gewendende? Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?]

THE ABYSS – Khuzdûl
Irkat-lu[khud ka tabriki]hu [ulfat atam ma tana]khi  No light. No air.

THE MEARAS - Rohirric
Híe hine [sáwon] feorran In the distance they saw him,
And hwíte sun[nan in mane].  White sun caught in his mane.
[Híe lange hine] clipodon Long they called him,
Ac [hé ne wolde cuman] But he would not come.

For ðon hé wæs Sceadufæx,  For he was Shadowfax 
hláford ealra méara, Lord of all Horses. 
Anhé Neandé. And he answered only to one.

Mettanna.  To the end.

Lim-strang wæs geboren   Strong-limbed he was born
Bearn léod-cyninga    This son of Kings;
Magorinc Mearces.    This warrior of Rohan.
Bunden [in] byrde [tó lædenne]         Bound by birth to lead.
[Bunden in lufe tó thegnunge      Bound by love to serve.
[Lang beadugear cyythath Long years of war begin to show.
[Lic onginneth búgan.       The body has begun to bend.
[Swift déadlic géar Stieppath geond willan.   Swift mortal years outpace the will.
[Ac éagan gíet lóciath Beorhtre gesihthe;        But the eyes still watch clear-sighted.
[Heorte gíet béateth.The great heart is beating still.]

[Nú on théostrum licgeth Théodred se léofa, hæ´letha holdost.Now dear Théodred lies in darkness, most loyal of fighters.
[ne sceal hearpan sweg wigend weccean;           The sound of the harp shall not wake the warrior; 
[ne winfæ´t gylden guma sceal healdan,             nor shall the man hold a golden wine-cup, 
[ne god hafoc geond sæ´l swingan,           nor good hawk swing through the hall,
[ne se swifta mearh burhstede beatan.                 nor the swift horse stamp in the courtyard.]
Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended    An evil death has set forth the noble warrior
Giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende       A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels
on Meduselde thæt he ma no wære       in Meduseld that he is no more,
his dryhtne dyrest and maga deorost.     to his lord dearest and kinsmen most beloved.
Bealo[cwealm]        An evil death.

THE FALLEN – Rohirric
[Hé laered hine rídan And wealdan méce He taught him to ride, And to wield a sword. 
[And standan fæst And féond ne forhtian.           And to stand strong, And show his enemy no fear. 
[Nú hé sceal leornian thæt hearde sóth:   Now he must learn The hard truth: 
[Hé raerede his cnapa         That he had brought his boy]
Of cilde tó menn   From childhood.
thæt hé his déath geséo.     So that he might face his death like a man.
thæt hearde sóth. The hard truth
[Sé féond wæs simble mid heom.  The enemy was always with them. 
[Sé féond ne reccede ege. The enemy did not care about fear.]

EVENSTAR - Sindarin
Úivethed nâ i onnad.   This is not the end, it is the beginning.
Si boe ú-dhanna. You must not falter now. 
Ae ú-esteli, esteliach nad... If you trust nothing else...

Nâ boe ú i. You must trust this

Esteli o han…     Trust this…
Este[li] o veleth.  Trust love.

A chéneg a ionneg  Little boy, little one)
Estel, le iôn adar lín Hope, you are your father’s son

THE CALL – Rohirric
Hearpestrenge?  Where is the harp string,
Hwær cwóm scir fýr scinende?   Where is the red fire glowing?

Hwær cwóm helm?    Where is the helm?

THE MISSING - Rohirric
Héo dréag thá losinga  She felt the loss
Earla thinga the héo forléas.        Of everything that had been missed.

Uich gwennen na 'wanath ah na dhín.  You are not bound to loss and silence.
An uich gwennen na ringyrn e-mbar han      For you are not bound to the circles of this world.
Boe naid bain gwannathar,  All things must pass away,
Boe cuil ban firitha.     All life is doomed to fade.
Boe naer gwannathach       Sorrowing you must go 

Nef, Elbereth Gilthoniel, On this side [of heaven], Queen & Kindler of Stars
Boe naer, [an]nant ui[ch] ben-estel       Sorrowing, and yet you are not without hope 

LOTHLORIEN – Quenya (translation by A.V.Beckstrom) 
Man ammen toltha Who brings this to our isolation 
I dann hen môrn?  standing alone against the growing darkness? 
Si dannatha nauva. Now all will fall away. 
Mel, melmë nóren sina, Love, our love for this land, 
Nur ala aëaron nur. is deeper than the depths of the sea.
Nuruva Tercáno.    The Herald of Death

a lin[nas]  the arrow

I tuo i macil [a] staldaron. The strength, the weapon, the needs of the valiant
Marinyë Cor[ma].     Be the ring your weapon
I tuo i macil.     The strength, the weapon
A lelyat túrenna.       Go to victory!
[I]  tuo.            The strength

Echuiannen The woods have awoken.

THE CALL – Rohirric
Hwær cwóm helm? Hwær cwóm byrne?    Where is the helm? Where is the hauberk? 
Hwær cwóm feax flówende?      Where is the bright hair flowing?

LOTHLORIEN – Quenya (translation by A.V.Beckstrom) 
Man ammen toltha Who brings this to our isolation 
I dann hen môrn?  standing alone against the growing darkness? 
Si dannatha nauva. Now all will fall away. 
Mel, melmë nóren sina, Love, our love for this land, 
Nur ala aëaron nur. is deeper than the depths of the sea.
Il[firin] nair[elma]   Undying is our regret

NAMÁMIË - Quenya
Ar sindanóriello caita [mornië]  And out of a grey country darkness lies
Ar ilyë tier undulávë lumbulë     And all paths are drowned deep in shadow

Rithannen i geven, Thangen i harn Earth shakes, Stone breaks, 
Na fennas i daur   The forest is at your door. 
Ôl dûr ristannen. Eryn echuiannen The dark sleep is broken, The woods have awoken 
i ngelaidh dagrar   The trees have gone to war. 
Ristar thynd, cúa tawar Roots rend, Wood bends
Dam' ganed. The Ents have answered the call 

THE CALL – Rohirric
Hwær cwóm helm? Hwær cwóm byrn[e]?    Where is the helm? Where is the hauberk? 
Hwær cwóm feax flówende? Where is the bright hair flowing?
Hwær cwóm hand on hearpestrenge?          Where is the hand on the harp string? 
Hwær cwóm [scir] fýr [scin]ende?Where is the red fire glowing?

THE MEARAS - Rohirric
For ðon hé wæs Sceadufæx,  For he was Shadowfax 
hláford ealra méara, Lord of all Horses. 
Anhé Neandé. And he answered only to one.

Rithannen i geven, Thangen i harn Earth shakes, Stone breaks, 
Na fennas i daur  The forest is at your door. 
Ôl dûr ristannen. Eryn echuiannen The dark sleep is broken, The woods have awoken 
i ngelaidh dagrar   The trees have gone to war. 
Ristar thynd, cúa tawar Roots rend, Wood bends
Dam' ganed. The Ents have answered the call 


Where once was light Now darkness falls.
Where once was love Love is no more.
Don't say, goodbye; Don't say, I didn't try.

These tears we cry Are falling rain;
For all the lies you told us, The hurt, the blame!
And we will weep to be so alone.
We are lost, We can never go home.

So in the end I'll be what I will be.
No loyal friend Was ever there for me.
Now we say, goodbye. We say, you didn't try.

These tears you cry Have come too late.
Take back the lies, The hurt, the blame!

And you will weep When you face the end alone;
You are lost! You can never go home.
You are lost!  You can never go home.

I tuo i macil [a] staldaron. The strength, the weapon, the needs of the valiant
Marinyë Cor[ma].    Be the ring your weapon
I tuo i macil.     The strength, the weapon
A lelyat túrenna.       Go to victory!

[Ae ú-esteli, es]teliach nad...     If you trust nothing else...
Esteli o han…   Trust this…
Nâ boe ú i. You must trust this

Úivethed nâ i onnad.  This is not the end, it is the beginning. 

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